Home Page

Friends of Berkeley

Welcome to the Friends of Berkeley School page.  We are a group of volunteer parents and grandparents who meet regularly to plan and organise exciting events for the children and raise funds for our school.


As a parent of a child at the school you are automatically a member of FoBS and we hope the information, photos and stories you will find on the page encourage you to get involved.


FoBS work closely with the school and arrange several fundraising activities, events and initiatives throughout the school year.  Some of the events are just for the children, others for the whole family and specific events for the ‘Grown Ups’.


The funds raised are used to purchase equipment that both teaching staff and parents believe will enhance the education, socialisation and overall experience our children have during their time at the school.

Each event held requires volunteers to write letters, produce posters, sell raffle tickets, purchase stock, man stalls and serve refreshments ….. the list goes on!  As children leave the school or people’s circumstances change, we lose valuable members and are therefore constantly trying to attract new parents, grandparents and friends to come along and help. 


Meetings are held at 6 p.m. in school every 6 to 8 weeks.  Any amount of time you are able to offer, no matter how small, will be very much appreciated and most importantly, will help FoBS continue to raise valuable funds for the benefit of our children.


Our meetings are informal, fun and a great way of getting to know new people and become a part of the school community.  Everyone is very welcome, so please come along.
