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Gary McDougall

Term of Office 21.03.2024 - 20.03.2028

Appointed by Parents


In my professional working life, I am a Firefighter with 10 years of experience. Teamwork and integrity are a few of the core values that are vital to become a Firefighter, and I aim to bring these skills to the governing board. 

 I have been appointed as the link governor for Health & Safety and look forward to working with the Business and Site Managers of the school to ensure that the health of safety of the pupils and staff is of the highest order. 

 My main motivation as a Governor is working with the other school governors towards the shared vision of making the Berkeley Academy the best it can be for children to learn and grow. This is especially important for me, as a parent of two young children in attendance at the school.  

 Education is exceptionally important, especially for children. As a member of the governing body, we can make a difference that every child and member of staff can say they are proud to attend and work at the Berkeley Academy. 
