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School Uniform and Equipment

Our school uniform is very important at The Berkeley and helps to create a sense of belonging and pride in our school. Everyone is expected to be in full school uniform everyday and we believe that pride in our appearance supports good standards and high expectation in our learning. Our uniform takes the form of:

• Royal blue sweatshirts and white poloshirts

• Grey skirt or pinafore, grey trousers or shorts;

• White, black or grey socks or tights

• Blue gingham dress (summer)

• Black school shoes.  Please can you ensure that your child wears all black leather shoes and does not wear canvas, trainers or pumps.



• Please ensure all items of clothing are named to make it easier to return to their owner.

• Children should bring in a small rucksack or bag for their belongings. Book bags are particularly useful for the younger children when storing in school.

• There is no need for children to bring in their own pencil cases although children in Year 5 and 6 may prefer to bring in a small pencil case for their own personal use.

* Children should not wear nail varnish and body transfers to school. Please keep them for weekends!

* Please discourage your child from bringing items of personal property to school as we cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage that might occur. Money should not be brought into school unless particularly requested.



Children wear PE kit to school on their nominated PE days. Long hair must be tied back during PE lessons for safety reasons.  For PE children wear our school PE kit which is a House colour t-shirt and blue shorts. Plimsolls or trainers should be worn for outside PE. All children take part in outside PE throughout the year and therefore they may need jogging bottoms and sweatshirts, if the weather is particularly cold.  This year, there is the option to buy a PE hoody to wear which can be purchased in the same way as other school uniform.


School Uniform is available to purchase online at School Style Ltd:

 - By going to the site at and clicking on the ‘Find My School’ button or by

 - Typing the following into your your web browser addressbar:


School uniform is also available to purchase from School's In, 54 Hospital Street, Nantwich, Cheshire, CW5 5RP, telephone number 01270 618957.




In the interests of safety children should not wear any form of jewellery to school other than stud earrings. Children will be asked to remove or cover up any form of jewellery (including earrings) before physical education, games and swimming lessons. Your co-operation in this matter will help to reduce the risk of accidents for which we cannot accept responsibility.


School Uniform Policy
