At the Berkeley Academy, we STRIVE to do our best and to develop a high-quality Science curriculum that develops pupils’ scientific skills and knowledge whilst stimulating and exciting pupils’ curiosity about phenomena and events in the world around them. Our aims are to:
- Deliver high-quality teaching by ensuring all lessons are sequenced and accessible to pupils of all abilities.
- Encourage our pupils to question and discuss science based issues that may affect their own lives, the direction of society and future of the world
- Develop an awareness and understanding of the role and importance of science in everyday life
- Appreciate and tolerate the constantly changing nature of scientific knowledge
- Use scientific procedures of investigation
- Introduce, develop and study the application of science in a broad range of contexts
- Understand some of the current major concepts of science
- Understand that learning science contributes to personal development including problem solving skills, cooperative group work and supports their personal well-being.
- The curriculum is implemented differently across the Key Stages to reflect the needs of the pupils.
- In EYFS, pupils learn through ‘Understanding the World’. This is completed through indoor and outdoor provision as well as small group and whole class inputs. Learning follows the children’s interests, topical events and structured opportunities.
- In KS1 and KS2, children follow the National Curriculum and take part in discrete lessons specified on a medium term plan.
- Pupils build on prior knowledge and understanding and develop scientific vocabulary in Science lessons and the wider curriculum
- Teachers will use quality texts to build the pupils’ knowledge.
- Pupils will experience a range of lessons, offering an abundance of practical opportunities where they will make predictions, ask questions and set up investigations
- Pupils will lead investigations and explore the world around them
- Pupils are introduced to a diverse range of scientists and people who work in science-related jobs.
- Pupils will take part in National Science Week and have the opportunity to achieve the Bachelor of Science award each half term
- There are opportunities to attend educational visits and/or have workshops within our school environment and pupils can engage in wider school projects with strong STEM links
- Concept Cartoons are used to assess their knowledge before and after a unit of work
- In EYFS, pupils are assessed through observations.
- In KS1 and KS2, pupils are assessed against the National Curriculum core objectives stated on the medium term plans for each half term and against the identified core knowledge mapped on the science progression document.
- Teacher assessments are informed through carefully differentiated planning and teaching, targeted questioning, observations, challenges and next steps.
- Knowledge and skills are assessed through teacher assessments evidenced through pictures, observations of pupils’ work in books, next steps and termly HeadStart progress tests.
At The Berkeley, the quality teaching of Science and the opportunities available encourages all pupils with the foundations for understanding the world. The pupils will:
- Feel prepared for the next step in their development as lifelong learners
- Be exposed to and understand high quality vocabulary that can apply in a range of situations.
- Have a wide variety of skills linked to scientific knowledge, skills and enquiry.
- Be able to think critically and analytically and question ideas and reflect on knowledge.
- Work collaboratively and practically to investigate and experiment.
- Be able to explain the process they have taken and be able to reason scientifically.
- Create lasting memories that brings the whole school community together
- Achieve above national expectations
- Develop resilience and perseverance
- Be prepared for the future
- Understand and appreciate the impact individuals have had in Science