At the Berkeley Academy, we STRIVE to do our best and to
to inspire pupils with a curiosity and fascination about languages that will remain with them for the rest of their lives. Through high quality teaching of French, we develop the following essential characteristics:
- Understanding the culture of the countries in which the language is being spoken
- Read fluently
- Write imaginatively
- Speak confidently
- Children are taught French from Year 3 upwards by a Specialist MFL Teacher, using National Curriculum objectives
- A variety of techniques, including games and singing, are used to actively engage children in their learning
- Children are taught to know and understand how to: ask and answer questions, use correct pronunciation and intonation, memorise words, interpret meaning, understand basic grammar, use dictionaries, work in pairs and groups, to communicate in French and explore life in another culture.
- A range of resources are used, including La Jolie Ronde Scheme of Work, Chante en Francais, ipads and other ICT
- Across the school, children learn about and celebrate different cultures within our curriculum
We assess French in number of ways through pupil voice, teacher assessment and through revisiting and reviewing of previous learning.
At The Berkeley, the quality teaching of French and the opportunities available encourages all pupils with the foundations for speaking, reading and listening to French. The curriculum will ensure:
- It provides a solid foundation in preparation for further foreign language teaching at Key Stage 3.
- Have thoroughly enjoyed learning French and have created lasting memories
- Pupils leave The Berkeley having made substantial progress in understanding spoken and written French and also in expressing themselves through speaking and writing French.
- Pupils are able to appreciate the cultural differences between the UK and France and other French speaking countries.
- Pupils are encouraged to undertake new life experiences now and in the future as lifelong learners
- Pupils achieve above national expectations
- Pupils develop resilience and perseverance