At the Berkeley Academy, we STRIVE to do our best and to support all children to develop an understanding of the place that religion plays in people’s lives. We want our pupils to:
- Learn from different religions and beliefs
- Be free to make their own choices and decisions concerning religion and belief. RE does not try to persuade but rather to inform and develop the skills with which evaluation can take place.
- Share their knowledge and experience with others.
- Revisit the different religions to build on the knowledge they already have.
- Embrace diversity and create a learning journey that leaves lasting memories.
- At The Berkeley Academy, RE is taught to all age groups mainly through weekly lessons to ensure we meet the expected time allocation and the curriculum coverage it needs to fully explore the subject.
- We use the ‘Discovery RE’ Scheme as a main resource, which is supplemented with other resources to provide first hand experiences for the children.
- Discovery RE advocates an enquiry based approach with a 4 step process. Step 1 – Engagement, Step 2 – Investigation, Step 3 – Evaluation and Step 4 – Expression. There is a key question for each topic then lessons work through the 4 step process.
- In total, we cover twenty-seven Christianity units, four Judaism units, two Hinduism units, five Islam units and four free units. This grounding prepares and ensures that our pupils have a similar experience and knowledge to other pupils in Cheshire East area, for their continuing academic journey at high school. These units are covered through using an enquiry question each half term.
- To enhance the learning of RE, we encourage learning about religious experiences, such as, visiting the local church, meeting religious speakers and handling real artefacts, learning through stories and drama where possible.
- Each year group topic plan has a clear set of intended outcomes. These are used to assess the pupils’ knowledge and understanding at the end of each lesson.
- These formative assessments are used by teachers to gain a clear vision of the pupils’ progress through a topic and accumulation of knowledge over time.
During their learning journey in school, pupils are exposed to a diverse range of religions that:
- Teachers pupils to have a better understanding of the religions that make up the UK landscape and how they can work from and alongside each other to create a cohesive community.
- Promotes inquisitive minds, respect, tolerance and understanding for all those around them including themselves.
- Enables high quality work to be produced and evidenced, showcasing a deep understanding of the main religions of the world, their community and their future.
- Creates evidence that will be seen through using the correct vocabulary, explanations and respectful opinions, as well as cross curricular evidence, for example, religious and cultural art work, drama, craft and presentations.
- Makes important contributions to other parts of the school curriculum such as citizenship, personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE education).
- Helps pupils create a life-long learning for exploring religious beliefs and understanding how it can help them in their future
- Develop their abilities to articulate and communicate ideas, options and feelings about their own religion and that of others.
- Develop essential skills such as self-confidence, collaboration, and self-reflection.
- Achieve well in R.E. which is reflected through a consistent learning journey and clear progress.
- Create lasting memories from a range of religious experiences