At the Berkeley Academy, we STRIVE to do our best and to develop ‘thinkers of the future’ through a modern, ambitious and relevant education in computing. We aim to:
- Equip pupils to use computational thinking and creativity that will enable them to become active participants in the digital world
- Teach pupils to understand how to use the ever-changing technology to express themselves, as tools for learning and as a means to drive their generation forward into the future.
- Ensure the pupils understand the advantages and disadvantages associated with online experiences and develop as respectful, responsible and confident users of technology, aware of measures that can be taken to keep themselves and others safe online.
- Provide a computing curriculum that is designed to balance acquiring a broad and deep knowledge alongside opportunities to apply skills in various digital contexts.
- Give pupils the opportunity to apply and develop what they have learnt across wider learning in the curriculum.
- We deliver the computing curriculum through both weekly explicit lessons and a broad range of cross curricular experiences.
- We use Teach Computing and Barefoot Computing to support our staff in delivering high quality teaching with learning carefully sequenced in order to deepen understanding of key concepts and allows all pupils to achieve to their full potential. It provides immense flexibility, strong cross-curricular links and has the flexibility to adapt to current events.
- We have full access to the National Online Safety materials for pupils and all staff. The training materials from National Online Safety have equipped staff with the skills to support and protect pupils from online harm. There are also materials available for parents, allowing them to be active participants in their child’s online world.
- The learning journey that the children experience allows them to be ready for life-long learning and supports them in being ready for the next stage in their development and the world around them.
- We are able to create lasting memories through visitors teaching STEM lessons and by having the relevant equipment to enhance the curriculum.
- We have a range of equipment available including desktops, iPads, laptops, cameras and beebots. We also have the opportunity to borrow specialised equipment from local hubs in order to ensure high quality teaching and to enhance the learning journey.
- Homework is set using TT Rockstars, Accelerated Reader and Spelling Shed – this all reinforces the importance of computing for developing life-long learners.
- Teachers plan the delivery of the computing curriculum carefully to enable children to select the best equipment and to use it effectively.
- Pupils have the opportunity to become photographers, website developers, treasure hunters and time travellers through our rich and varied curriculum.
Computing is assessed continuously by teachers. Through the Teach Computing assessment criteria, they are able to judge whether pupils are meeting the learning objectives through observing during lessons and by analysing finished products. Teachers are able to adjust activities to support or challenge as appropriate.
At The Berkeley, the quality teaching of Computing and the opportunities available inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in using ICT and to be lifelong participants in using this technology. The Berkeley Computing curriculum:
- Equips pupils for life-long learning
- Supports the well-being of our pupils through teaching and learning about being safe online and being confident users of the internet
- Develops computational thinking skills which will allow for opportunities in the wider world
- Equips pupils to encompass information technology, digital literacy and computer science across a broad range of programmes
- Helps pupils succeed, enjoy their learning, be resilient and consistently give their best efforts at all times to achieve their potential and personal best
- Gives pupils competence and confidence in their own ability in a range of computing skills
- Gives pupils the opportunity to create lasting memories
- Supports pupils’ understanding and appreciation of the impact individuals have had in ICT