At the Berkeley Academy, we STRIVE to do our best and to provide quality teaching to all children, enabling them to perform, listen to, review, and evaluate music. We want our pupils to:
- Sing, create and compose music, and understand and explore how music is created, produced, and communicated
- Embrace diversity and create a learning journey that leaves lasting memories.
- Gain an appreciation for different historical periods, styles, traditions, and musical genres
- Be able to use their musical skills, knowledge, and experiences to actively participate in the wider community and express themselves through music in various contexts.
- Explore the different aspects of music, while fostering an understanding and acceptance of the value and significance of all types of music
- Know about great musicians, and to understand the historical and cultural development of their music
- Using quality first teaching, our music curriculum is designed to provide a well thought out sequence of learning for the children. We draw on elements from the music programme, Charanga and the Model Music Curriculum to create a bespoke curriculum that ensure that children sing, listen, play, perform and evaluate in a comprehensive and holistic manner.
- Our curriculum map follows the structure of singing during autumn term, playing and instrument during spring term and then composing in the summer. Skills are mapped out and progression across these areas is built up from the start of Nursery, to the end of Year 6.
- Children are given the freedom to enjoy music in a multitude of ways, whether it be as a listener, creator, or performer. They are taught to analyse music, comprehend its various components, and feel its rhythmic pulse.
- Musical vocabulary is emphasized, and class discussions allow for respectful sharing of opinions and personal musical experiences.
- Classroom lessons are carefully crafted to teach the elements of music, allowing children to use the language of music to analyse and appreciate it.
- We provide opportunities for children to compose and perform using body percussion and vocal sounds, enabling them to develop their understanding of musical elements before learning a variety of instruments such as chime bars and glockenspiels.
- Our Music curriculum ensures that all pupils learn to use iPads and computers to create compositions and to experiment with different samples. This allows children to show their creativity and share their own musical ideas.
- Our curriculum is also enriched by singing assemblies and concerts which allow the pupils to showcase their talents and feel part of a musical community.
- Pupils have the opportunity to receive instrument lessons from specialist peripatetic music teachers which further compliments our varied curriculum.
Music is assessed using our skills progression map which highlights year group expectations from nursery to year 6. Children are supported in lesson with previous year’s skills and vocabulary being recapped to ensure that no learning is lost.
During their learning journey in school, pupils are exposed to a diverse range of musical activities that allow them to:
- Feel inspired by the work of others and are excited to develop a life-long learning for the subject
- Develop their capacity for imaginative and original thought through experimentation.
- Develop their abilities to articulate and communicate ideas, options and feelings about their own work and that of others.
- Explore and develop their musical strengths, as well as identify areas where they can improve
- Develop essential skills such as self-confidence, collaboration, and self-reflection.
- Foster an appreciation and understanding of different cultures and histories, both individually and across the globe.
- Be equipped with the necessary skills to continue their appreciation of music. This equips them with the skillset to succeed throughout KS3 and fosters a love of music for the future.
- Learn about musicians and understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms.
- Achieve well in Music which is reflected through a consistent learning journey and clear progress.
- Create lasting memories from a range of musical experiences
- Developed resilience, competence and confidence in their own ability in a range of Music skills