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What is Computing like at The Berkeley?


In nursery we have been exploring technology through play. Looking at how things work through cause and effect. For example, using the torches to create patterns and shadows and using old remote controls to pretend to change television channels. We have been using technology to retrieve information about animals. We have also been using online programmes to complete some learning games for maths and phonics. 


We have spent lots of time learning about communicating with different devices and talking about the many different ways that we can stay safe when using the internet. We love to use Beebots and practise moving them around in the right direction!

Year 1

We have enjoyed learning how to programme Beebots and use them to travel around the classroom. We choose different instructions and programmed them to go to different places. We realised how tricky it can be to get the instructions right and how clever computers must be. 


We have also been looking at how computers collect data and how computers are used to collect and group data in different ways. 

Year 2


Year 3

Stop-frame animation

We have been looking at creating stop frame animations using the iMovie application. 

Year 4

In computing this term, we have been learning to code using Logo and Scratch. During World Environment day, we used our coding skills to control the BeeBots, avoiding pesticides and locating wild flowers. 

Year 5

The children looked at how a flat-file database can be used to orgnaise data in records. They used tools within a data base to order and answer questions about data. They used a real-life database to answer a question, and present their work to others. 

Year 6

Children in Year 6 build on their previous learning of how to create code using Scratch. They have understood terms such as 'variable' and 'values' and used this to design and create simple games whereby a variable will alter the value. Children enjoy designing games that reflected their own interests and showed skills in being able to debug programming. 
