We follow a mastery approach to the teaching of spelling through the programme ‘Pathways to Spell’. It is a programme designed to deliver the statutory content of the Primary National Curriculum for spelling in key stages 1 and 2. Through weekly teaching (threee lessons per week) of spelling objectives and development of a whole school approach to word transcription, vocabulary development and proof-reading, the programme aims to develop children as proficient spellers.
Learning is sequenced in five stages as follows:
When meeting spellings children may be unsure of within their writing, we encourage the children to follow the 'spelling pathway' to success:
As well as within discrete daily SPaG lessons, SPAG is also developed further within English lessons. This allows for opportunities to reinforce and elicit links to prior learning to subsequently progress onto new learning. SPAG opportunities are given across the curriculum through Q and A and Spoken Language. There are also reinforcement opportunities within written activities.
We are the Spelling Bees, we make spelling exciting and fun for all classes. We have started making games to develop our spelling skills and we are excited to make more! We will be sending home some fun ideas, games and Apps to try out!
Every Friday we meet in the computer suite to practise our spellings using a range of games on Topmarks.co.uk
We always take a friend with us to join in the fun!!!