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Lasting Memories

At The Berkeley, we aim to provide our children with the courage, skills and aptitude to enable them to make a difference in the world. By developing children’s science knowledge and skills they will be able to access all the potential opportunities available to young people in our society. In addition, we want our pupils to know that science is relevant to their current and future lives, and to aspire to be the scientists of the future.


This is addressed explicitly as part of World Science Week where children have met STEM ambassadors who work for the Royal Air Force and are exposed to how Science is intertwined in their jobs. We further aspire children to be scientists of the future through The Berkeley’s Bachelor of Science award, where children are offered the opportunity to engage in a different experiment, at home, each half term and celebrate their participation during our weekly celebration assembly.


Finally, a high-quality science education provides the foundations for understanding the world and at The Berkeley, this is achieved by engaging children through practical, hands on learning reinforced with the use of the local area, school environment and visitors such as local dental nurses and RSPCA staff. Topics and key skills are taught in Key Stage One and studied again in further detail throughout Key Stage Two. Children learn to understand their bodies in progressively more detail, develop their understanding of plants and investigate using practical resources both inside and outside the classroom.

RAF Magazine


Following the RAF helicopter visit earlier this year, The Berkeley Academy has featured on the front page of the RAF magazine and there is an article inside regarding the visit.

Please click the following link to view the issue of the magazine.


Thank you.



Dental Nurses


Bachelor of Science
