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Rachel Bridgett

Term of office  28.02.2023 - 27.02.2027

Parent Governor


I was recently nominated as a parent governor at The Berkeley Academy and I welcome the opportunity to support the excellent work of the school. Education is one of the best foundations that any child can receive in their lifetime.


During my position as a teacher in education, for over 10 years, I have gained vast experience in attending regular meetings with governors, teachers and parents. Planning and leading meetings myself, which communicated the vision of my role as Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator, was a fundamental part of my job. This has meant that I have developed skills and experience which would be valuable when supporting The Berkeley Academy in making positive, progressive changes in education, whilst benefiting the welfare of all students.


Establishing links with the local community, which I have a wealth of experience in, is essential in the growth, development, and wellbeing of all pupils.


With the required commitment and enthusiasm, as well as a willingness to learn new skills, I am very proud to become part of the governing body.


