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Positive Behaviour

Behaviour and Discipline

We are committed to creating an environment where exemplary behaviour is at the heart of productive learning. Everyone is expected to maintain the highest standards of personal conduct, to accept responsibility for their behaviour and encourage others to do the same.


We expect everyone at The Berkeley to:

  • be respectful
  • be responsible
  • be safe

Vision Statement

To provide every child in our care with the best quality education possible, in a warm, respectful and caring environment. Our children will be capable of dealing with the priorities of today as well as the unknown priorities of tomorrow. To put our school in the heart of the community and form links with that community which will benefit our children.

School Aims

    • To provide an environment in which all children feel safe, cared for and supported
    • To encourage independence and confidence to take risks and make their own decisions.
    • That every child who walks out of the door at the end of Year 6 will have become the very best that they can be.


We will achieve this through:

      • Developing positive relationships with pupils to enable early intervention.
      • A shared approach which involves pupils in the implementation of the school’s policy and associated procedures.
      • Promoting a culture of praise and encouragement in which all pupils can achieve.
      • Promoting desired behaviour.
      • Promoting self-esteem, self-discipline, proper regard for authority, and positive relationships based on mutual respect.
      • Ensuring equality and fair treatment for all.
      • Praising and rewarding good behaviour.
      • Challenging and disciplining misbehaviour.
      • Providing a safe environment free from disruption, violence, discrimination, bullying and any form of harassment.
      • Encouraging positive relationships with parents.

You can find our Behaviour Policy here

The home-school agreement sets out the responsibilities of the school, parents and children at The Berkeley Academy. Working with parents in partnership is a key feature of our school ethos and is central to our behaviour policy. We aim to involve parents fully in all aspects of their child’s education and this includes matters pertaining to establishing and maintaining good standards of behaviour. 



Anti-bullying – Guidelines for Parents

All pupils have the right to feel safe and secure. They need to feel free from any threat of bullying and to know where to go and to whom to speak if bullying occurs. This will normally be the class teacher. All complaints are treated seriously and acted upon in accordance with the school's anti-bullying policy.
