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We are the 2024 - 2025 School Safeguarding Champions
We are the school representatives who assist Mrs Gohr (Safeguarding Lead and Mental Health Lead), Mr Birchenough (Deputy Safeguarding Lead), Mr Wagg (Deputy Safeguarding Lead) and Mrs Barker (Chair of Governors) in all aspects of keeping the school community safe. We think that our job is very important as we are a vital part of everyday life in the school.
We help to make sure that everything in the school is secure and safe for all of us. We are responsible for updating the information signs on the school noticeboards and ensuring that children can see posters which may help us all think about being kind to others - or if we are worried about being able to stay safe online. Another really important thing that we do is to help the staff find any safety hazards around the site.
The Safeguarding Champions have been continuing the excellent work that they started last half term in supporting the school’s KiVa team in delivering the KiVa anti-bullying message across the school.
The Champions have helped to make sure that the children in each class are aware of the need to speak to a ‘Trusted Adult’ if they feel worried or concerned about anything. The Champions delivered the message that the adult might be a parent, a grandparent or any member of school staff. They also discussed why it is important not to keep worries bottled-up, but to feel that there is always someone to talk to.
As part of their work, the Safeguarding Champions Team have also overseen the use of the ‘Buddy Bench’ and ensured that children are familiar with the Friendship stop, where children can sit quietly and chat with each other.