Welcome to a brand new and exciting year at The Berkeley! We will spend the first few weeks really getting to know each other - interests, hobbies, likes, dislikes etc. Then we will start to plan together the types of learning experiences that we will all enjoy. We believe in lots of fun, exploration and child-led learning as this enables all of the children to learn at their own pace.
The theme for Autumn 1 is friendship and animals and we will learn through different texts such as Brown Bear, Brown Bear, Polar Bear Polar Bear, The Very Helpful Hedgehog and Monkey Puzzle.
In Autumn 2, our theme is Stars and Space and we will be enjoying many more quality texts such as The Lost Stars, How to Catch a Star and Whatever Next
We will be hosting a reading and phonics workshop. This will be an opportunity for us to talk to you about our phonics and reading scheme, Little Wandle. If you cannot make the workshop, the powerpoint is below for you to look at. .
Bring a named water bottle to school everyday
Please come to school in PE kits on Mondays (both classes)
We will change reading books on Fridays (after October half term)
If you have any questions, please use tapestry or email admin@berkeley.cheshire.sch.uk with your child's name and class as the subject.