Home Page


Mrs Fowler, Mrs Halliwell and Miss Shorten

Mrs Dodd, Mrs Thomasson and Mrs Raiswell


Welcome to Reception. Here you will find lots of useful information, helpful links and the homework that has been set for classes 1 and 2.  To find out more about what Reception is like please see the termly overview below


Homework will be set half termly. A grid will be provided, covering a range of subject areas and interests. We expect that at least 1 activity is completed each week. The completed homework can be shared on Tapestry, or brought into school to share. 

It is also important that your child reads at home, at least 3 times per week. This should be recorded in their reading diary. 

Click on the links below to access the most recent homework and useful links.


PE Information

You will need to wear your full school uniform everyday apart from TUESDAY. On this day, you can wear your P.E. kit for the whole day as this is when you will do your P.E. lesson.


Please ensure that you have a hat, suncream and a water bottle for the hot days and rain jacket for the not so sunny days, as you will still be outside!


For P.E, you will need to wear your house colour t-shirt, joggers or shorts, and suitable trainers. Remember to also tie your hair up if it is long and remove all jewellery.


In writing this term, we will be using the following books to support the children in their learning along with other quality texts. 

Phonics and Reading

We promote a love of reading in Early Years through the children selecting a sharing book each week to take home and share with our grown ups. We also have a book swap where children can bring a book in to swap for a fresh one, which means we get to read lots and lots of books!  


This term, we are introducing Bags of Books. Each week, some children will take home our themed books to share and enjoy!  


At The Berkeley, we teach phonics using Little Wandle. In Reception, phonemes are introduced and taught daily, with digraphs and trigraphs coming later in the year. Tricky words are also taught in order to increase reading fluency. Alongside the daily phonics lesson, children have reading practise sessions in groups 3 times each week. The book that they read in school is then taken home and read with grown ups. The confidence that the children have when taking the books home is fantastic! 

In the summer term, we consolidate phonemes, digraphs and trigraphs and learn to read longer words. We also build upon our comprehension skills by talking about the book we have read.    



We do lots of practical activities in maths to deepen our understanding of number and pattern. This term, we will be consolidating knowledge of number to 10 including number bonds, composition of number, patterns including odd and even, shapes and doubles/halves. 


No Outsiders


The No Outsiders vision is for inclusive education, promoting community cohesion and preparing our children for life as global citizens. ‘No Outsiders’ aims to develop the ethos of the school into one where every member of the school community, as well as every visitor through our doors, feels welcome and able to be themselves without fear of discrimination.


As a school, we will be incorporating the No Outsiders lesson plans and book suggestions into our own PSHE lessons. Class teachers will deliver the programme throughout the year, using developmentally appropriate picture books. Through discussion and activities based upon the picture books, pupils will be encouraged to show respect and develop their understanding of diversity.


Here are the books that will be covered this term:
