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Autumn Term

Autumn 2023




In English we will be using the book 'The Dragon Machine' to support us in creating some fantastic pieces of writing including accurate sentences and correct punctuation. We will be looking as exciting adjectives for description and creating poems too. 



In Maths our focus will be on place value and addition and subtraction. We will be recapping our learning from year 1 and using this to help us achieve our year 2 objectives. 



We will be answering the question 'How different would my life be if I lived in Kenya?' by comparing our local community and the UK to Kenya.  We will be using atlases to locate Kenya and the UK before moving on to looking in detail at aspects such as landscape, houses and lifestyle.



Our focus for this term will be Properties of Materials - Everyday Materials.  Throughout the term we will be identifying different everyday materials before studying their uses, properties and suitability for various items.  Our scientific investigation will be focused around testing which materials would be most suited to a specific purpose.


Design & Technology

In D&T, our topic is Nutrition and Cooking so we will be focusing our learning around balanced diets and learning about what comprises a healthy diet before designing and making our own healthy wraps.


PE for both classes is on a Monday and Wednesday afternoon so please come to school wearing your full PE kit. Please could you make sure that long hair is tied up. As the weather gets colder, you might prefer to wear your outdoor PE kit. Please be reminded of our PE uniform which includes your house coloured top - no sports kits or jewellery please.



Homework will be set each Friday and due in the following Thursday. We will use a range of the following the websites/applications:,, TTRockstars and Microsoft Teams.  Please look on our homework page for the weekly homework tasks.



If you need to pass on any messages to your child's class teacher, please put a note in their home school diary or email at:
