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Class 12

Please read over your assembly parts if you took them home.

Also, think about your video groups and themes ready for next week. 


Class 13

Continue with SUMDOG and a new Spelling Frame focus.

Spellingframe c before e, i and y


Also, keep reading and recommending.


If you feel like a game to develop your historical knowledge of the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings, try this this!

Horrible Histories Raiders And Traders


Other reminders:

  • Bring your reading book and planner to school each day.
  • Planners and homework books in on Thursdays.
  • PE on Thursdays (Netball outside)  and Fridays (Gymnastics indoors)


What Is Long Multiplication? | KS2 Maths Concept for Kids

In this video you'll find clear, child-friendly guidance and interactive example questions about how to calculate long multiplication supported by an experienced KS2 maths teacher Teachers will love this video because it can be used in so many ways: maths lesson starters, independent maths learning, multiplication homework and SATs maths revision!

