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Spring Term 2025

Spring Term 2025


In English this term we are going to be using the story of Harry and Jaggedy Daggers to retell a narrative. We will focus on our use of adjectives and conjunctions as well as still continuing to ensure our sentences and handwriting are accurate.


After half term we will also be using the book Number 7 Evergreen Street as well as writing poems.



This term we are going to be focusing on multiplication and division. Please make sure you are practising your 2s, 5s and 10 times tables at home as much as possible. 

Remember the key is to recall the answers as fast as possible!


This term we will be using the book 'Coming to England' by Floella Benjamin to help us compare what it is like in Trinidad with what it is like in Crewe.



Our focus for this term will be around living things and their habitats.  We will learn what all living things need to do to be classed as 'living' and then move on to identify and classify different habitats.  This knowledge will then be used to begin looking at why different habitats are suited to different types of animals.



Design & Technology

In D&T, our topic is Mechanisms so we will be focusing our learning around understanding how wheels and axles work.  We will design and make our own fire engines with working wheels and axles.



After half term, we will be putting our previously learnt knowledge about The Great Fire of London to great use by learning all about the Fire of Nantwich and comparing the similarities and differences between the two.



For the second part of the term, our art focus will be on Expressive Painting and Abstract Art.  Our artist focus will be on Vincent Van Gogh and we will be learning all about how to express ourselves using colour mixing and experimental mark making to create still life paintings.



This term our PE day is a Monday and Thursday. Please make sure that you are wearing your school PE kit with long hair tied up.



Homework will be written on the class page on the website each Friday for you to check.  
