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Summer Term 2025

Summer Term 


During the Summer term we will be using some different texts to support our learning starting with 'The King Who Banned The Dark'.  We will be working on writing our own letters to the King persuading him not to ban the dark and also retelling the story accurately using the writing features we have been learning about.  


In maths this term we will be learning all about the different units of measure and trying to solve lots of measure problems including length and height, time, mass, capacity and temperature. 



We will be learning all about the 5 continents of the world this term.  By the end of the year, we will be able to name all of the continents and locate them on a world map.  We will also learn about the equator and compare hot and cold areas of the world.



Our focus for the first half term will be Plants.  Throughout the term we will be learning what plants need to grow and investigating what happens to plants if one of those things are missing.  

After half term, we will be moving on to apply all of our learning about animals and humans from the course of the year so far to studying different life cycles.


Design & Technology

In D&T, our topic is Structures so we will be focusing our learning around what makes a structure stable.  We will work towards designing and making a car garage which is raised off the ground and then assessing its stability once it is built.



After half term, we will be learning all about famous people and the impact they have had on the world.  We will be learning about people like Christopher Columbus, Neil Armstrong, Rosa Parks and Florence Nightingale.



For the second part of the term, we will be learning all about Hundertwasser and architecture.  We will focus on his unique style of building design and taking inspiration from him to design our own.



This term our PE days are Thursday and Friday. Please make sure that you are wearing your school PE kit with long hair tied up and earrings taken out or covered up.



Homework will be written on the class page on the website each Friday for you to check.
